Yam Quinoa Patties for Grounding + Focus
Our focus, our energy and our memory all need to be aligned if we want to succeed. During these times we are required to think optimally and do our work efficiently, but what if you can’t? What if everything you ever dreamed of was on the other side of you completing your task, making those calls, going for that run, eating your greens but you just can’t. You allow other things to distract you like housework, TV shows, social media, drinking or snacking more. The more distracted you allow yourself to get, the further away from success you get. This happens because you have been triggered. That trigger has blocked your flow and you are no longer feeling optimistic, creative or feeling that surge of energy to get sh*t done.
I know all about distractions. I get caught up in my distractions, I get stuck and I shut down. Unable to find any creative energy flowing. This behavior happens at times when self-doubt and negative thinking take over, that’s because we’ve been triggered. You may find yourself procrastinating or blocked because your bodies chemistry is off balance, you’re not getting enough energy fed to the brain from the gut.
Work. Trigger. Retreat. Succeed.
There’s no boss or client waiting for you to complete your task, only you and your dreams. When you are distracted, procrastinating, don’t beat yourself up. That brings on more trauma and less results. Instead take on self-care practices that stimulates better moods like exercising or meditating. Go into your kitchen and prep veggies for your meals. Just to get out of my head what’s weighing me down. When you are triggered you are bringing up traumatic experiences that may keep you blocked if you don’t shift your habit.
A trigger brings on a habit.
Habits are meant to be broken.
When you find yourself drifting further away from completing a task or a goal, instead of being hard on yourself with negative self talk and procrastination, give yourself time and space to learn what triggered you.
Write. Sit and write some of the behaviors/reactions you notice about yourself that aren’t in line with the lifestyle you want? Like for instance not prepping your foods so when you are hungry you don’t know what to eat so you just eat what’s available or drink something to make you feel more energy. These are triggers that cause a habitual eating habit. Get writing with no judgment, just clearing up the clutter in your brain keeping you from success.
After you have journaled, but before you work on breaking the habit, track the behaviors that come after you are triggered. Just notice how you feel, how you react, and what you do when you are triggered. I find that it’s good to go through the journey before you make any changes so that when the habit comes back you are able to remember why it showed up in the first place and what you did to shift it.
After a week of tracking your triggers begin to work on changing your habit. You need to complete that task to get to the life you desire. It’s all connected and although you can move on from it or ignore it, but will it get you to succeed in your achievements.
Eat serotonin, grounding foods like celery, yams, carrots, lentils, nuts, seeds, blueberries, and of course your probiotics. Clear up the gut so you can get the brain to work for your success, instead of against you.
Stay away from sugars, alcohol and processed salty foods. I like to eat crunchy foods during this time. It stimulates your brain to hear the food feeling confident you won’t starve (that’s a whole other blog post 😁)
Learn what triggers you into a bad habit, why you want to change that habit and shift your brain to what needs to happen to create a healthier habit.
If distractions are something you have plenty of and getting sh*t done just isn’t happening, it may be time to get help. An accountability partner or a professional. Reach out if you want to learn more about how Gut-Brain Health can help you achieve your goals.
Activated Joule ingredients of quinoa, high in protein and fiber and yams, high in electrolytes and vitamins combined so that you can get grounded, have better focus and get your hormones in check. That's right, this recipe brings diversity to your gut helping to reduce.
Yam Quinoa Patties for Grounding + Focus
- 2 cooked cups yam remove skin, steam, place in a large bowl and mash with a fork
- 1 cups cooked Quinoa
- 3 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1 Tbs fresh Thyme, chopped
- 1 Tbs Oregano, chopped
- 1 Tbs Parsley, chopped
- 2 tsp sea salt
- ¼ tsp Cayenne pepper
- 1 tsp Turmeric
- 2 Tbs Coconut Oil
45 minutes
- Preheat oven to 350
- Saute coconut oil, garlic.
- Add in thyme, oregano, parsley, and turmeric to saute pan and remove from heat, stir well.
- In a large bowl, combine garlic mixture with quinoa.
- Add yam, salt & pepper.
- Mix Well.
- Weigh out 4.5 oz balls, shape into patties.
- Place on a parchment-lined tray, bake for 20 minutes.
- Serve with a side of greens
12PM, 7PM, Creativity, Detox, Dinner, Energy, Flatter Belly, Focus, Gut Health, lunch, Weight-loss