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Plenty of minerals that are super strong in antioxidant properties, but it also helps reduce inflammation and plays a role in blood sugar regulation. 100% of your DV of Manganese a mineral that helps with protein and amino acid digestion, as well as the metabolism of cholesterol and carbohydrates.

Hormone Balancing
This is earth’s edible bounty. This is the universally recognized anti-inflammatory power of turmeric and fabulous fennel for de-bloating. Eat one bar in the morning another in the afternoon and you have consumed 50% of your DV for fiber.

Mood Stabilizing
Seeds on seeds on seeds for brain health and healthy fats. Earth’s edible combination biohacking your brain and healing your body. Saturated Fat is 23% of your daily intake most coming from MCT oil - good for the gut-brain connection, helping you feel good in your mind.

Why Pumpkin and sunflower seeds should be in your dieting plan

Here's some quick information about these two powerhouse seeds.

Grain-free; plant-based; full of nutrients

I know a lot of people want to stay away from gluten, so sunflower and pumpkin seeds are actually the perfect — they're considered a complete food source, meaning that they contain all nine essential amino acids (which your body can't make and must be derived from food) and they are gluten-free. They're also rich in minerals such as phosphorus and potassium, which help regulate your blood pressure. And last but not least, they're full of antioxidants that help your body fight free radicals.

Sunflower seeds are also considered a "brain food" because they're chock full of vitamins and minerals. They contain healthy fats that help keeps you sharp and improve focus.

Pumpkin seeds are also great for hair health! Just like cosmetic companies like to market hair care products with saw palmetto in them, pumpkin seed oil is also used in some shampoos and conditioners. And, of course, pumpkin seeds can be used to make delicious pies. It's a little known fact that pumpkin seeds are packed with protein, which helps keep your hair — and skin — healthy.

What does combining chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds do for my gut

If you're anything like me, then you might be thinking the title of this post sounds like it's pulling a fast one on me. And I can't help but ask "what does combining chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds do for my gut?"

I mean don't get me wrong, eating any type of seed is probably a good thing because they are high in Omega 3s and protein. But why do I need to combine them and eat them for better gut-health?

By combining chia, hemp, flax, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds you are adding in essential fatty acids (omega-3s, omega-6s and omega-9s), protein and fiber.

Now let's give you the scoop on each type of seed:

Chia seeds – These tiny round seeds are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. These seeds are so good at what they do that they have got their own section in the book "The World's Healthiest Foods.

Flax seeds – With a ton of fiber, these seeds are able to reduce the absorption of cholesterol from your intestines. Also, they have been linked to reducing inflammation and lowering risk for cardiovascular disease.

Sunflower seeds – These babies are loaded with magnesium and selenium. Magnesium has been shown to lower high blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and selenium is a powerful antioxidant that increases glutathione peroxidase in your body (helping fight against free radicals).

Hemp seeds – They are wonderful as a food for you and your gut. They are high in fiber and contain the brain power-boosting amino acid gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Think about that next time you have those anxiety junkies adding hemp leaves on top of their morning bowl of cereal.

Pumpkin seeds – Especially rich in vitamin B and zinc, pumpkin seeds help with wound healing and the growth of new tissue.

How does fennel and turmeric help with gut-mind health

Drugs, prescription or otherwise, are short-term solutions to long-term problems.

Your gut is a living thing in and of itself, with its own natural defenses that can protect it from invasion by an array of nasty foreign substances. There are also instances when your immune system will overreact to the perceived invader and produce an inflammatory response that can lead to conditions like colitis. But for the most part, your gut is impervious to many normal substances that will harm you if you inhale them into your lungs.

The supplementary curcumin, found in turmeric can help fight the inflammation in your gut, and can help reduce the autoimmune response that causes damage due to an attack on the body itself.

Fennel seeds can also be effective against gut-related disorders such as IBS. They contain anethole, which is the same chemical compound that gives fennel its taste. And anethole also happens to be a powerful antimicrobial that can help fight off bacteria that can contribute to serious gut disease.

One of the most important steps you can take is to commit yourself to a diet rich in whole foods, herbs and foods that naturally support your body's own defense systems. That means going back to basics. No processed foods, and absolutely no medications. Your gut-mind health is a marathon, not a sprint.

Why you should add MCT oil to your diet plan

Hey there!

Major advantages of incorporating MCT oil in your diet plan:

-MCT oil helps you burn fat and lose weight. It's good for weight training and healthy living.-It can improve your sleep as it promotes better blood sugar levels, supporting a healthy immune system which in turn boosts the release of hormones that regulate energy and appetite.-It also has been shown to provide long-term mental benefits like improved mood, stress management, focus, memory.

-It regulates the release of insulin, a hormone that is released from the pancreas in response to blood sugar; it's important to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.-It has been shown to improve symptoms related to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), especially constipation.-Because of its wider availability, more affordable price and easy storage - it's no wonder that MCT oil has become one of the most popular types of oil for cooking.

MCT oil is a more concentrated form of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are the main forms of energy storage in the body and can be easily digested as they are absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. MCT oil has been shown to increase fat burning by increasing metabolism, which is why it has such potential to improve weight training and healthy living.

There are also mental benefits associated with consuming MCT oil. The effects of MCT oil consumption on cognitive function have been extensively studied, and it has been shown to improve symptoms of anxiety, depression and fatigue. Here is a list of studies showing its benefits:


What does eating seeds do for my gut-mind health?

Did you know that eating seeds can be good for your gut-mind health? You might be surprised to hear this but many people are not aware of the benefits of eating seeds.

Why is it Important to Eat Seeds?

It’s important for us to have a diet filled with good foods, and seeds are one way to accomplish this. Eating a balanced diet helps keep your body healthy and happy. A diet with enough fiber has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

3 ways that eating seeds can improve gut-mind health:

1) Eating seeds boosts the diversity of micro biomes in your gut which has been linked to having a healthier and happier mind. 

2) Seeds are rich in nutrients; protein, fat, amino acids, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. Because seeds are high in protein and fat they are excellent sources of slow-release energy (that go straight to your bloodstream). Seeds also contain B vitamins which are essential for overall health. Seeds require a great deal of processing from the soil before they reach the table so eating seed will help "restore" some of the minerals lost during the process.

3) Eating seeds, especially pumpkin, hemp and sunflower seeds will help restore "good" gut bacteria that has been depleted by modern day living. Studies have shown that a diet high in fiber can increase the amount of good gut bacteria. Eating seeds can improve your overall health and well-being.

How does eating Turmeric, fennel and pumpkin  seeds help keep your skin young

Healthy eating has long been linked to having a clear skin and now we understand why!

There are a few key ingredients in pumpkin seeds, turmeric, and fennel seeds that will help your skin: Omega-3 fatty acids (which help to keep the sebaceous gland moisturized), vitamins A and D (both of which have antioxidant properties), iron (for preventing anemia) — the list goes on.

What's more, these foods provide your body with essential nutrients it needs for good health.

Here are some of the main benefits that these three foods provide your skin:

1- pumpkin seeds help your skin by keeping it hydrated

The oils in these seeds help to keep the skin plump, smooth and supple. Pumpkin seeds contain a substance called alpha-linolenic acid, which helps to keep sun damage at bay. This substance also improves the health of your scalp and hair, making your hair healthier and lustrous.

These seeds are also rich in antioxidants like vitamin E which defends your skin against UV damage and helps it to maintain its elasticity.

2- fennel seeds help your skin by keeping it less dry

Fennel seeds have a reputation of keeping your skin looking young and healthy. They are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene. The antioxidants in these seeds defend the skin against free radicals that cause premature aging of the skin.

Fennel seeds contain a natural diuretic, which helps to eliminate any fluid that may be sitting around your body, causing puffiness and swelling of the face. It also tones up the skin making it look healthy and supple.

3-turmeric helps your skin by maintaining a healthy pH balance

A healthy skin is one with a balance between acids and alkalis. When the pH balance becomes imbalanced, your skin looks older than it really is and your pores are prone to clogged by dirt, oil and debris.

Turmeric prevents the formation of free radicals at the cellular level due to its strong antioxidant properties. These antioxidants help prevent aging factors such as sun damage from damaging the cells of your skin too much. They also protect the cells against damage caused by outside sources like pollution, stress etc.

Having a healthy diet is one of the most important things in maintaining optimal health. 

How does eating omegas and fats affect my brain health

Did you know that omega-3 and fat are important for brain health? Omega-3 fatty acids are the building blocks of neurotransmitters, which carry signals between synapses in our brain, and play an important role in regulating mood. It’s estimated that 85% of Americans don’t get enough of them. And then there's a bunch of evidence showing that omega-3s help protect the brain against age-related cognitive decline.

I’m not going to do a review of all the research on omega-3s, but I do want to share some of it with you. You can also read about it in my bestselling book, “Brain Food: The Surprising Power of Omega-3s for Maximizing Brain and Body Health.” And there are lots more interesting studies online.

So I definitely recommend that you get some omega-3s, and most people will benefit from the DHA we get from eating fish. If you eat the right types of fish, you can get excellent amounts of DHA in your diet without taking supplements (although I do recommend that you take a daily omega-3 supplement).

But there's also another beneficial fat that's very easy to get in lots of foods: saturated fat. Research also suggests that medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs), which are mainly found in coconut oil, may improve brain health.

I should say that these ideas are not set in stone—there's still a lot that we need to learn about the link between omega-3s and saturated fat. One thing is certain: getting more of one of these fats isn't bad for your brain. Actually, it's great for your brain already.
