Bottom-line, we are giving you a feeling, not just a flavor.
Longer story:
I can honestly say, with total integrity I did everything in my power to communicate my mission to anyone helping to produce the Joule Goddess Nutrition Bar. I have been manufacturing food that helps to cleanse the gut since 2007. I understood, even back then, the whole science behind nutrition and it’s impact on the way we feel.
The Joule Goddess Bars have been a long journey. One that has brought some great HIGH’s and some really low’s. Science had already proven the ingredients I selected to be in the Joule Goddess Bar were healing to the bodies anti-inflammatory and hormonal systems. These ingredients are made of herbs like turmeric, cayenne, fennel, healthy fats and plenty of seeds to support not just your body but your brain too!
While other bars may claim to be nutritional, many of them have lot’s of sugar, lot’s of overly processed protein mixes that actually cause inflammation and lot’s of other ingredients our bodies just don’t need.
Joule Goddess manifesto is always to remember “Yours is a body that craves Real things Bounty of the Earth things, carefully combined and cared for things, sustained energy to last from AM to PM.
Joule Goddess Nutrition Bars are different because it’s my vision for your health that took 11 years to make coming from my home to your’s.